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The Life-Saving Benefits of Flossing

It’s important to practice good oral hygiene so your teeth and gums remain healthy. But did you know that a healthy mouth also means a healthy body?

Bacteria that originate in your mouth can enter your body and negatively affect your overall health. In fact, a host of health problems can start with your gums so the benefits of flossing and brushing your teeth regularly extends far beyond your mouth. Here are five major health problems to consider:

  1. Heart Disease/Stroke Risk

People with periodontal or gum disease are twice as likely to develop heart disease and arteriosclerosis. Bacteria that enters your bloodstream through your gums contains a clot-promoting protein that can clog arteries and increase your risk of having a heart attack. Additionally, if the carotid artery becomes clogged, your chances of having a stroke increase exponentially.

  1. Dementia

If you lose teeth due to poor oral hygiene, you’re also at risk for memory loss and early stage Alzheimer’s disease. A study found that gum infections release inflammatory substances which increases brain inflammation causing brain cells to die.

  1. Respiratory Problems

If you have respiratory problems, it’s especially important to take care of your teeth. That’s because bacteria from gum disease can reach your lungs where it can aggravate your respiratory system. A study in the Journal of Periodontology revealed a link between gum disease and pneumonia and acute bronchitis.

  1. Diabetes

Nearly all — 95 percent — of adults with diabetes also have periodontal disease, and nearly a third of them have lost teeth to gum disease. People with diabetes are more susceptible to contracting infections. However, diabetics are at an increased disadvantage since gum disease makes it more difficult to control blood sugar. Therefore, maintaining proper oral hygiene is of utmost importance.

  1. Premature Births

Doctors think that preterm births are sometimes caused by infection in mothers’ bodies, and the mouth is one of the most common sites of infection. A study published in the American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology found an association between the use of an antimicrobial mouth rinse in pregnant women and a decreased incidence premature delivery. Researchers theorized that the use of the bacteria-killing mouthwash reduced the mothers’ gum disease and inflammation.
The benefits of flossing and brushing go much farther than the i

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Does Fluoride Prevent Cavities?

Tooth decay, better known as cavities, is caused by bacteria that gather on your teeth and gums. The bacteria are sticky and coat your teeth with a clear film commonly called plaque. The bacteria produce acid which eats away at your tooth enamel and causes it to break down.

Brushing twice a day and flossing at least once a day will go a long way to removing the troublesome plaque and keeping your mouth healthy. But is there more you can do to prevent tooth decay? In short, yes.

Does Flouride Prevent Cavities?

To keep your teeth and gums in good health, visit your dentist for regular exams and professional cleanings. Exams and cleanings should be conducted every six months. During your time at the dentist, you should also consider having a professional fluoride treatment. That’s because the mineral fluoride helps prevent decay and can actually repair your teeth during very earliest stages of decay.

Different types of fluoride

Two types of fluoride exist. One is topical. It is put directly to your tooth’s enamel. Many common toothpastes and mouth rinses contain fluoride. The other type of fluoride is systemic. This is the type you consume in tap water or take as a pill.

To be most effective, fluoride should be delivered to your teeth both topically and systemically.

Professional fluoride treatments

If you are at high risk for tooth decay, a professional fluoride treatment can help prevent cavities. Fluoride that’s available in a dentist’s office is of a much stronger concentration than that found in store-bought mouthwashes and pastes. Professional fluoride treatments come in the form of a gel, foam, varnish or oral rinse. It can be swabbed on your teeth, swished in your mouth or placed in a tray that you hold your mount for several minutes.

Treatments take just a few minutes, and depending on your unique situation, you may need to repeat a fluoride treatments every few months. If you’re at very high risk for tooth decay, you can also incorporate an over-the-counter or prescription fluoride mouth rinses or gel in your oral hygiene routine.

Should you have fluoride treatments?

If you are at risk for tooth decay, you should have a professional fluoride treatment at a dental office. Risk factors for tooth decay include:

Poor oral hygiene,

Lack of regular dental care,

Anorexia or bulimia,

Drug or alcohol abuse,

Orthodontic treatment paired with bad oral care,

Exposed tooth roots,

Dry mouth,

Poor diet,

Extensive fillings,

Tooth enamel defects,

Radiation therapy in the head or neck.

Ready to learn more about how fluoride and how it works to prevent cavities? Contact us for an appointment today!

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How to Floss With Braces

If you’re an adolescent or an adult who recently got metal braces, you might wonder how to floss or whether you should even try. Flossing every day is particularly important while wearing braces. The risk of developing a cavity goes up due to food particles that get trapped in the braces, bands, and wires in your mouth. The end result of not flossing could be plaque buildup and gingivitis.

Spending a little extra time on dental care if you’re a patient or the parent of one can pay off in a wonderful smile when those braces are removed. Orthodontists are fitting children as young as 7 with braces, and many will wear them well into their teens. Flossing is a bit tricky, but practice helps. These five tips on how to floss with braces will make the process easier:

Tip 1: Use Waxed Floss

Non-waxed dental floss is more likely to catch on braces than its waxed cousin. It can leave shreds of floss behind.

Tip 2: Help Younger Children

Young orthodontic patients don’t have as much dexterity as teenagers or adults and usually need help to floss. The easiest way to accomplish this is to have the child sit or kneel in an area that’s well-lit. If you have trouble getting the youngster to remain still, choose a spot where it’s possible to listen to music or view a favorite show while you accomplish the flossing.

Tip 3: Consider a Threader

Many patients liken maneuvering dental floss between teeth to trying to thread a needle. One inexpensive alternative is an orthodontic floss threader. You can find it in most stores that sell toothbrushes and other dental products. This tool lets you pull floss through your teeth above wires and reach your gum line.

Tip 4: Use the Right Movement

If you opt to pass on a floss threader, make sure you thread floss behind the wire of your braces. In either case, grab the floss and pull it down between your teeth, repeating for each tooth. The temptation is to snap the dental floss. When wearing braces, you must gently move it up and down, making sure it touches the side of every tooth.

Tip 5: Be Aware of All Your Options

Some orthodontists and dentists recommend a Waterpik for patients with braces. If you choose this option, be sure to clean the reservoir on a regular basis to prevent bacteria buildup. Some patients prefer using dental tape over regular floss. This tape is actually a special kind of floss designed to be wide and thin, much like a small ribbon. The application technique is the same as that used for regular dental floss. However, tape can be more comfortable than traditional floss for individuals who experience tooth or gum pain. You can also ask about the possibility of using two specialized tools, a proxy brush, and an orthodontic brush.

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Question of the Week: Should I Floss Before or After Brushing?

You should already know how important flossing is to your oral health, but have you ever wondered when it’s best to floss – as in before or after brushing? We get to the bottom of this common question here. Click to read more:

Flossing plays a big part of taking care of your teeth and gums. Specifically, flossing helps remove plaque and food debris from the areas between your teeth that the toothbrush can’t adequately reach. And dental professionals recommend that you incorporate flossing into your home oral care routine at least once per day.

Yes, flossing is important – but have you ever wondered when the best time to floss truly is? By that we mean, do you wonder whether it’s best to floss before or after brushing? Here’s a closer look, as we get to the bottom of this:

Flossing: Before vs. After Brushing

Some people think that flossing before brushing gets the mouth cleaner by removing plaque and debris so that the teeth can be better serviced by the toothbrush. Others may opt to floss before brushing because it may be too tempting to skip after brushing. But conversely, many other prefer flossing after brushing because they think the fluoride from the toothpaste can better work its way in between the teeth. Some people may also think that flossing before brushing gives them a false sense of protection and may not be as apt to brush thoroughly, so they do it after.

The Verdict

So which is better, flossing before brushing or flossing after brushing?

The answer: both are great! That’s because it’s not so much important when you floss as it is that you floss. Yes, just taking a few extra minutes per day to floss it what is most important, no matter the time of day or whether it is before or after brushing. There’s no difference in effectiveness, as long as your technique is proper and you don’t skimp on the brushing part.

Specifically, it takes about a day for plaque to form in the mouth. Daily flossing – along with twice daily brushing – helps disrupt this plaque buildup, which also reduces the potential for cavities and gum disease. Flossing once per day, no matter when it is done, helps keep plaque buildup under control.

Despite the importance of flossing, it’s estimated that only about 15 percent of all Americans actually do it on a daily basis. This is a problem, as failure to floss may not only result in cavities and gum disease, but bad breath and loose and sensitive teeth. We get that flossing may not be the most convenient or enjoyable task, but its importance cannot be underestimated. The time of day doesn’t matter, before or after brushing doesn’t matter, the only thing that matters when it comes to flossing is to make a daily effort to just do it.

For more information on the importance of flossing, contact us today.

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How Long Should You Brush Your Teeth?

Brushing is important to oral health and oral hygiene, but do you ever wonder just exactly how long you should be brushing for each day? We take a look at the best brushing times for getting the cleanest teeth in our latest post.
If you don’t brush for long enough, who’s to say you’re getting your teeth clean enough? Fact is if you’re not brushing for long enough (and not brushing right) your teeth may suffer.
But just how long should you brush your teeth for? One minute? Two minutes? Five minutes? We get to the bottom of things in this post:
How Long Should I Brush?
You’ve probably heard before that you should brush your teeth for about the length of a song. That’s pretty accurate. In fact, most dentists recommend brushing for between two and three minutes, splitting time equally between the top and bottom teeth.
But the fact is that most Americans don’t come anywhere close to hitting that two minute mark, which can potentially jeopardize the effectiveness of the brushing. So how can you be sure to hit brushing’s magic number? Here’s a look at some suggestions:
Set a timer.
Put a song on to brush to.
If using an electric toothbrush, set its self-timer (if it has one, that is).
While anywhere from two to three minutes is the suggested brushing time, you can never really brush for too long. The only thing to keep in mind when you are brushing, however, is not to do it too hard. That’s because using too much pressure can lead to tooth enamel erosion and damage to the gum tissue. This can lead to sensitive teeth.
Brushing 101: How Often to Brush
Now that you know that the recommended time to brush your teeth is between two and three minutes, there’s the matter of how often you should brush per day. So just how often should you brush your teeth each day? Most dentists recommend brushing at least twice per day (and flossing at least once per day) – once in the morning and once in the evening before bed. However, additional brushings may also be necessary throughout the day, particularly after consuming something that’s acidic or high in sugar, as you don’t want either of those to linger within the mouth for too long.
Additionally, the best way to brush is in short strokes, against the teeth and gums and around each tooth. Flossing should compliment brushing, as flossing is able to remove plaque buildup and food debris in between the teeth, areas that the toothbrush struggles to reach.

There’s no question that brushing is important when it comes to oral health and oral hygiene, but brushing right is just as important as brushing itself. That’s why it’s crucial that you don’t just practice proper brushing technique, but that you do it for the recommended two to three minutes each time. For more information on brushing and proper brushing technique, contact us today.

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Things one should work on before choosing a Cosmetic Dentist
Cosmetic Dentist

In this existing world where everyone is running madly behind money, people often fail to recall the old phrase that “health is wealth”. That is why most of them don’t pay much heed to the right selection of doctors for curing any type of health or cosmetic issue. If you are also doing the same then just take out a moment from your busy schedule and try to realize the fact that money once gone can always be earned but there is no way to earn health.

Suppose that you had visited a random dentist for any of your cosmetic dentistry related needs, after the treatment won’t that be horrific if those unexperienced or untrained hands will screw the charming look of your face just by a little mistake. So instead of be apologetic later just put your steps forward with complete care.

Are you willing to know the list of your considerations before choosing the cosmetic dentist?? Have a glance below:

  • Rely on those cosmetic dentists which are tested by your closed ones: it would be always preferable to visit a doctor that your relatives or friends have referred as for your good they will always suggest the best ones as per them. Moreover for your own satisfaction you can always surf the internet for more information and before after photos, which will give a slight idea about the work and performance of the dentist.
  • Be sure of the credentials: always check the qualification of the doctor before your planned visit. Internet will always help you in finding the reviews or testimonials about your selected one. For the most qualified & best cosmetic dentist you can always choose dentists who are member of American Academy of Cosmetic Dentist. The AACD keeps its members up to date with the latest techniques, procedure and products and it isn’t that easy to get the membership of this academy as one has to go thru a tough written and a final oral examination
  • Formulate a list: for getting the best dental cosmetic results it is always recommended to work in a planned manner. Never forget to frame a written list of your requirements (the things you are willing to change about your smile) because half of the things just slips from the mind at the time of making decisions if they aren’t written.
  • Always communicate your aspirations: what others choose for you (even if they are experts) may not essentially be the things that you craved for yourself. Especially while talking about health or cosmetic issues you should always be open with the dentist about your exact requisites. So always choose a dentist who allows you to express your desires because “making a beautiful smile” is in the hand of the dentist but planning part must include you as well.

If you are hunting for the best cosmetic dentist in Texas where all of the above mentioned requirements will get satisfied then a great idea would be to visit Designer Smiles Dentistry situated in Missouri city. Here all of your orthodontics or cosmetic dentistry related needs may it be teeth whitening, crowns, bridges, Porcelain veneers, broken or chipped teeth anything will be sorted out. For having further detailed information visit designersmilesdentistrytx.com.

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Dental Bonding -Things you need to know about this dental treatment
Dental Bonding

Dental bonding, sometimes also known as tooth bonding, is done by using a composite plastic to repair discolor, chipped, fractured tooth. Tooth bonding can be done in a one sitting. This treatment purposes cosmetic changes for smile enhancement and sometimes face structure. This treatment includes, filling the gap between teeth, shaping the crooked teeth and coloring also.


Here are several benefits of bonding:

  • Easiest dental cosmetic procedure.
  • Pocket friendliness
  • Composite resin is used for tooth coloring which complements surrounding teeth
  • Treatment assures the protection of the root that has been exposed due to gum recession.

How dental bonding is done?

The treatment can be started without any prior preparation, the dentist matches your teeth color with the composite resin and starts the work right at that time. It is very often, that the customer needs an anesthesia.

Nevertheless, dental procedure has two types; direct bonding and adhesive bonding.

Direct bonding is a composite resin technique which is applied directly to the cracked or discolored teeth. It also comes in use to fill in the gaps between teeth. There was a time when silver filling was done to fill the gap in the tooth, now white teeth filler technique has taken the place. Bonding of front tooth uses this treatment because it is the prominent area while smiling.

Adhesive bonding requires two processes, first where the dentist roughens the tooth with the solution named phosphoric acid, then it is removed and the actual task start-shaping the tooth. The dentist then applies the liquid bonding solution and after that surrounded tooth matching resin is applied to the existing operable tooth. They mold and smoothen it till the tooth turns into a desired shape. To give the firmness to the operated part, an ultraviolet curing light is thrown on the tooth and the previous step is repeated until the tooth comes in an expected shape.

There are disadvantages of bonding.

In the second paragraph, we learnt the advantages of this treatment, that this is cost effective and easiest way. But it has few disadvantages too, you might want a next sitting for the operated teeth because it is not as tough as the original one. But you can get rid of it by giving it a simple care. Biting the nails or pen or any other activity that can harm your operated tooth easily will take you to another tooth bonding appointment. Finally, it is not as strong as restorative procedures, as it lasts only a few years after the bonding is done on your tooth.

Consultation for teeth bonding

The main task of the consultant is to listen your dental history and future expectations. Then he or she advises you on the best suitable treatment and sittings for the same. Not necessarily every customer is suggested for dental bonding, the treatment depends upon the dental condition of your teeth and roots and other respective areas, which sometimes comprises of x-rays of gum. The consultant also explains about the cost dental bonding would take.

Cost for dental bonding

Dental bonding cost depends on the condition, like, how many teeth to be repaired, colored or shaped. For the basic idea a dental procedure for the particular tooth costs starting from $100 to $400. It may cost higher if treatment requires additional sittings.

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What are dental implants and why they are worth the cost and effort

Accidents do happen even though they are usually rare and at times it also involves injuries on the face or the jaw to be most specific. If due to an accident of some kind or due to decay of teeth your teeth cause issues then often dental implant is the only solution. A dentist will generally not recommend the dental implant producer unless it is absolutely necessary. The reason being that there is no true replacement to the natural teeth and the Dentists know this better than anyone else.

What is Dental Implant

Dental implant is the surgery performed when you lose a tooth or your tooth is no longer usable due to the pain. This procedure involves implanting an artificial tooth in the jaw to and the implant keeps it in place. The dental procedure involves a procedure that can span over a few days and is not always suitable to all the people. Hence it is first required that you have a dental check-up after which the dentist would be able to advice on whether or not it is possible. Usually if you have s strong jaw line (bones) they will be fit for the dental implant.

When do doctors recommend the dental implant surgery

The average costs of dental implants vary from affordable to expensive depending on the type of account. The way this starts is by dull pain in teeth. This pain may not be constant and also vary in severity. Although this is only the beginning. As time passes by this will only get worse till the pain is unbearable and you are compelled to visit a dentist. The dentist is likely to recommend a dental implant surgery based on the facts that he gathers from the inspection where the dental implant cost can vary depending on several factors.

Is Dental implant Surgery worth the cost

The cost of Dental Implants may vary depending on the complexity of the procedure and also differs from dentist to dentist. . However they are worth the cost since although losing your original set of teeth or even one single tooth is painful both physically and mentally, if it is left untreated it can cause further damage to the remaining teeth or even caused other diseases.

Hence there are several benefits of opting for the dental implant surgery:

  • The dental implant is very durable and in most cases is durable.
  • This not something that needs to be done every 5 – 10 years, it is actually a one-time solution which makes the cost more affordable
  • In terms of looks they are quite natural.
  • The procedure is normal and does affect the daily routine in any manner. However at times anaesthesia is used hence the effect may linger for a while.

Designer Smiles Dentistry:

Designer Smiles Dentistry Missouri City always makes sure you receive personalized care are treatment. They are a dedicated team of dentists and there is more to them just fixing or caring for your teeth. Here it is free to find the source of that excruciating pain or a quick examination. You will be treated if you are over the age of 5

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Best Practices to Follow While Brushing
Proper way to Brush Teeth

Proper way to Brush Teeth:

There are several good brushing practices that can be followed to maintain better hygiene. Although many of them come intuitively it is a good idea to take the advice of a good dentist regarding good brushing techniques. The proper way to brush the teeth can be different for each person. The teeth and gum conditions of every person are not the same hence the style that suits them the best also varies. Off the many good techniques, one is the circular or elliptical motion of brushing that can be used to brush several teeth at a time and in the process covering all the set of teeth. However in general there are some basic techniques to follow while brushing your teeth as mentioned here:

  • The brush should be placed at a 45 degree angle to the teeth.
  • The movement of the tooth brush should be in an elliptical motion.
  • Every area of your mouth needs to be covered while brushing, like the outside of the teeth, the inside of the teeth, even the tongue and the chewing surface, not to mention between the teeth.
  • The back and forth motion is usually not good for the gums, since it exposes the root surface and wears down the gums.

The Type of Bristles to Use:

The ideal toothbrush head is always small so that it can access all areas. In general the best size if small like 1 inch by half inch. Always make sure the brush has a long handle so that it can be grasped easily. The bristles should be soft, nylon bristles with round ends. Care should be taken that the bristles are not abrasive since that care ware down the teeth surface. In general medium and hard bristles are not recommended.

Duration of each Brushing Session:

The ideal time for each brushing session is 3 to 4 minutes. The simplest method to make sure you brush that long is to use a timer. However since most of us do not use a watch or a timer there are several other alternatives. For example you could brush while playing your favourite song that encourages you not to stop short of at least 3 to 4 minutes.

Designer Smiles Dentistry:

Designer Smiles Dentistry Dentist in Missouri City TX always makes sure you receive personalized care are treatment. They are a dedicated team of dentists and there is more to them just fixing or caring for your teeth. Here it is free to find the source of that excruciating pain or a quick examination. You will be treated if you are over the age of 5.

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Reversing the process of tooth decay

None of us want to be on the dentist’s chair undergoing some painful surgery and hence most of us do take all the necessary precautions like brushing and flossing daily. However sometimes that is not enough hence how to stop tooth decay? Hence here are a few essential tips that show case several ways to stop tooth decay.

Top tips to stop tooth decay

  • Fluoride is not necessarily good for you besides which it does not prevent tooth decay.
  • Fluoride has also been linked with low IQ, poor mental and physical health. The reason being that a lot of fluoride can be toxic and even cause dental fluorosis that causes tooth enamel to decay.
  • Recent research being done in United Kingdom has shown that enzymes extracted from seaweed microbes can be effective in removing dental plaque.
  • The research was inspired as a solution to clean the hull of a ship in a process to optimize it for time and cost.
  • This would found to be very effective on the ship’s hull and additionally it was found that this could efficiently remove plaque too.
  • There are several alternative too, like drinking green drinks. In fact the green powder can also be used to clean the teeth.

How Designer Smiles Dentistry can they help?

Dentistry covers a range of procedure, like cosmetic dentistry that are meant to improve your appearance and make you feel more confident. Some of the popular treatment are mentioned below:

  • Teeth Whitening
  • Smile Enhancement
  • Tooth Colored filling
  • Orthodontics
  • Cosmetic Bonding

The cosmetic dentist generally make use of bleaching agent and hence can easily recover a fading tooth or remove stains on a tooth. Our missing teeth can become an issue over time. With dental implants to the rescue, you will be able to restore your jaw line to normal too besides solving the obvious problem for a missing tooth. A special treatment is conducted to restore the great smile. This includes the use of aligners which are almost invisible
but help achieve a great smile.

Designer Smiles Dentistry always makes sure you receive personalized care are treatment. They are a dedicated team of dentists and there is more to them just fixing or caring for your teeth. Here it is free to find the source of that excruciating pain or a quick examination. You will be treated if you are over the age of 5.

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